This week is Eating Disorders Awareness week

It is a vital opportunity to raise awareness of an eating condition called Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).

BEAT is the UK’s leading charity supporting eating disorders, there has been a sevenfold increase in calls to the BEAT Helpline for help with ARFID over the past five years.

Do you know of a young person aged 11-19 years who attends The Cotswold School that might need some help with their mental health?

Headspace can offer free therapeutic wellbeing support or counselling and help with onward referrals to the Gloucestershire Eating Disorders Service or other helpful local services if needed.

Our Headspace counsellor is currently working towards completing the NCFED Diploma In Practitioner Skills For Eating Disorders to allow us to offer this specialised support for young people within their local community rather than having to access help further afield in Cheltenham or Gloucester where waiting times are much longer.


Thank You @Tesco


SENDIASS Gloucestershire