Resources for Parents & Carers
Parents and carers, do you need further help?
These are some useful websites that provide information about mental health, wellbeing and Special Educational Needs (SEND) for children and young people.
Glos Families Directory
An online directory for parents/carers bringing together information, services, resources, and things to do in Gloucestershire.
Gloucestershire Mental Health
Crisis Line
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A mental health worker talk to you about your situation and how you are feeling and will provide initial telephone advice, support and triage.
Find your nearest NHS
A&E department
Help in a mental health crisis
If there is an immediate danger to life, please dial 999 or go to your nearest A&E department using the link above.
Gloucestershire County Council - Mental Health and Wellbeing
Resources and information for families about mental health and wellbeing services in Gloucestershire
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service - CAMHS
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provides a comprehensive range of specialist emotional wellbeing and mental health services for all children and young people aged under 18 who are registered with a GP in Gloucestershire.
Children’s Social Communication & Autism Assessment Service (SCASS)
A team of clinical psychologists, paediatricians, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists. Who offer assessment of social communication to understand if a child is on the Autism Spectrum and, for children in secondary school, assessment of attention to understand if a child has ADHD.
Support Child Neurodiversity - South West
Gloucestershire parents and carers who may be considering accessing an autism or ADHD assessment for their child can now access a new website which offers guidance and recommended resources.
Gloucestershire Eating Disorders Service
The Community Team are the first point of contact for anyone coming into the service. The team complete initial assessments and offer advice and guidance to GPs, practice nurses and carers.
Once an initial assessment has been completed the team work with the individual to decide the best course of action.
The team also work very closely with GPs to ensure physical health is monitored.
SENDIASS Gloucestershire
SENDIASS Gloucestershire provides information, advice and support on matters relating to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The service is offered to parents and carers of children and young people aged between
0 and 25 years old.
Cotswold District Council
Find information and advice about local services within the Cotswolds.
Gloucestershire School Nursing Service
School Nurses are registered nurses or midwives who support children and young people with emotional and mental health issues, relationships and sexual health, bladder and bowel issues, lifestyle health and family worries.
Their aim is to improve health outcomes for families, prevent ill health and protect children from harm through a professional, visible, accessible and confidential service.
Bourton on The Water Parish Council
The parish councillors all give their time on a voluntary basis and work hard to ensure that the village continues to be a pleasant place to live, work and visit. As the first tier of local government, operating below Cotswold District Council and Gloucestershire County Council, all councillors are appointed via elections held every four years.
Bourton on The Water Youth Club
Providing a safe space for the young people of Bourton-on-the-Water and surrounding Villages every Wednesday Evening.
Stow Active Youth are Council’s appointed contractors for youth provision and their weekly sessions are held at The Baden Powell Hall at the following times:
Juniors School Years 3-6 – 5.30pm-7pm
Seniors School Years 7+ 7pm-8.30pm
Please email bourtonyouthclub@gmail.com for further information about the group or follow the dedicated Facebook page for the group.
Play Gloucestershire
Play Gloucestershire is a registered charity that delivers active and creative outdoor play in urban and rural communities, whatever the weather, all year round.
Click on the link for Bourton Play Ranger dates